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Carnivore Retreat Reviews

Updated: Jul 24

Here are the latest reviews from The MasonSurvival Carnivore Retreat May, January 2024, October 2022 and 2023

Toms Review May 2024

The retreat at Mullardoch with Michael Mason is frankly a lifechanging event.   The beauty and isolation of the House was quite breathtaking and the opportunity to spend quality time with Michael and the other guests was fabulous.  During the week Michael shared what he does and how he lives his life and offered up the experiences, techniques, practices and habits that have worked for him.   He is testimony to what his Protocol can deliver in terms of fitness and wellbeing.  Now the food, that's another story, the meals were exquisite, the quality of the meats and the attention to sourcing from only the best farms and suppliers came across in the flavor and texture of everything we ate.  Despite fasting for 16-17 hours I never once felt hungry as we were filled with nutrient dense delicious food at each meal time.


Michael is a very generous man, happy to take the time to explain the rationale behind the things he does and the techniques he shared with us.   He has some great stories along the way and our particular group of Guests were a really fun bunch and we all enjoyed each others company throughout the week sharing our own stories, experiences and life journeys along the way too.


I learned so much from the basics of breathing thru my nose to the mindful and purposeful way to exercise with determination and focus on the movement rather than the reps and the weight.   How simple band routines can be deployed anywhere and are hugely effective and how combining the breathing, posture and meditative elements with exercise create a whole new way to work your body and mind together.


I really left the retreat feeling I had numerous techniques or tools that I could deploy back in the real world that I was confident would become sustainable aspects of my life and which would help me on my journey to living a better, stronger and longer life.


Thanks Michael!!

Pats review May 2024

I arrived after the most beautiful journey into the highlands greeted and calmed by nature. Deer and cattle accompanied my journey on the last stretch into Mullardoch.

Michael met us on arrival and we chatted with our group over the most amazing dinner!

Food all week was soooo amazing! Such  incredible people and so many wonderful stories over dinner.

The pace was relaxed and calm and I instantly felt at home and comfortable.

The following day we fasted, trained, walked and practiced some incredibly important breath work, which I will continue forever.

Being so immersed in nature was so refreshing and revitalising I felt myself often drifting into calm contemplation and as the week progressed I felt more and more of that at home chill.

The tools Mike gives you are always relative to you and your ability and I feel that absolutely anyone would benefit a great deal from attending his retreats.

The training was considered and scalable for all levels of fitness, the food was always natural and “clean” with a huge amount of skill and knowledge passed on to the group to make it easily sustainable and repeatable,like everything on the retreat.

Every day was a little different and Michael’s calm and holistic approach and our philosophical conversations seemed like time had gone on forever and everything seemed forever ago!

I can honestly say I learned so much from this journey I can’t think of any other time spent where I have learned so much and been given such a huge amount of energy and drive.

The thing is, it’s a different experience for everyone and that like life is the way of things. The only way you will discover yours is by booking on to the next one with a completely open mind which I strongly recommend you do.

As I left the cuckoos seemed to have slowed their song and the green hills seemed brighter and as I rolled through Mullardoch I knew I had had a life changing experience which I will be forever grateful to Michael for.

Thank you 🙏

Lelands Review January 2024:

I just completed the MasonSurvival retreat, and I found it EXHILARATING.

Michael’s thoughtfully designed retreat is simply phenomenal: physical exercise, great food, hiking in some of the most pristine and spectacularly beautiful scenery I have ever seen, breathing exercises, mini lectures and fireside chats, time for tea and (very good) coffee - all woven into a whole that was a profound and invaluable gift to myself - to my health.

Imagine spending day after day for a week with this renowned thought leader as your personal coach, mentor,  and oh my goodness - chef! Did I mention that the food was great? The retreat is an excellent (and not at all extreme) introduction to carnivore, if you are new to it, as I was.

Most importantly, I come away from the retreat with impactful changes that I can implement - am implementing - in food choices, activities, and exercises that are already making a difference. For the fresh air, the friendships, and the many lessons, I am forever grateful.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this retreat was beyond remarkable: it was magical.

Sir Leland Keel - California

Ulriks review January 2024:

I signed up to what I thought was a training boot camp. And while I learned more than a few things, I can implement in my own exercise routine, the retreat turned out to provide me so much more than just training tips.

Rather, Michaels retreat is a genuine introduction to all three pillars of wisdom he has spent a lifetime accumulating: movement, nutrition and breath-work.

Michael’s retreat is not an invitation to a set of seminars. Instead, it’s an invitation into his lifestyle which he generously shares.

Michael is a master storyteller, weaving together numerous tales that, while abundant, always culminate in a meaningful takeaway. It’s been truly inspirational to meet a character that lives by his own principles.

Lastly, I’ll encourage others to seek out this experience:

Michael is the real deal.

Ulrik - Denmark

Kaijas review January 2024:

The retreat was life changing and inspiring. Week full of connection, wisdom, new friendships, amazing food, laughter, walks in the magical nature and talks around the fireplace. Left well-fed, in the body and mind. An extraordinary experience!

Kaija - Estonia

Tanya's review:

Upon arrival 6 strangers(one was me) were greeted with the most gracious and genuine welcoming from Michael.

The place we would call home for the next week was oppulent, full of history, and stories from the past. Every room was open for us to roam freely.

As our days unfolded Michael shared many passions for his life with us. He is a GREAT story teller also!

I have learned breathing is just not taking breaths.These techniques he has shared with us will become life long practice for me. You can read about it, but he brings it to life.

The coaching and training he provided is so valuable!

I have trained at a traditional gym for years. He showed us how to take simple, varied, slow movements and have them be effective. He can also see your strength and capabilities, even when you cannot!

Our hikes solo or together, 30 min or 3hrs were life changing. The mountains, the vastness, the air, the water flowing from the land! All of it like a painting come to life.

His skills from behind the apron speak for themselves! The lamb, the venison, the chicken! He can make a simple piece of beef Glorious! Every cut he prepared had an identity of it's own. Man could live by beef alone, if Michael was preparing it.

His intuitive nature in the kitchen has him creating all kinds of beautiful tasty treats! Sauces, desserts and ' specialty coffees' etc etc...

If one has an open heart, and mind this retreat is a place you could see something different in yourself. It is valuable, I am forever thankful.

You will have no regrets coming to Mason Survival, his world is worth seeing.

TWright (Canada)

Kim's Review 2023

I've just returned from my 2nd carnivore retreat in the Scottish Highlands, run by Michael Mason.

The fact that this was a repeat for me should speak volumes!  Mike is a very knowledgeable carnivore who leads by example.  The retreat he offers is based on what I refer to as Mike's 3 steps to health and vitality.  Great food, breath work and strength training.

Mike is an exceptional cook, who sources exceptional meat from producers he personally knows and can attest to for the welfare of the animals and quality of the meat.  Honestly, I'd keep returning for the food alone!  However, the whole package is just wonderful.

Beautiful, wild surroundings, ensuite bedrooms in a fabulous old hunting lodge, the daily exercises including walks with views to take your breath away.

Mike is a charming and accommodating host, and the other guests were such wonderful and interesting people that the week flew by. I returned feeling so much better in myself.  If you are interested I would urge you to go.

Doesn't matter your age or fitness level, you will gain more than you can imagine.

Kim (UK)

Marks Review 2023

Nestled in the Scottish Highlands, The MasonSurvival Carnivore Retreat was an unforgettable experience.

Under the guidance of Michael Mason, I delved into the carnivore lifestyle, feasting on ethically sourced produce, from biodynamic beef to wild venison.

The retreat wasn’t just about the food; it was a holistic journey. Functional breathing sessions, tailored resistance training, and walks amidst the stunning Munro’s landscape rejuvenated both my body and spirit.

Michael’s expertise, from martial arts to his coaching skills, added depth to the entire experience. I thoroughly enjoyed my time, feeling both enlightened and empowered by the end of it.

Jamie's Review (2023)

I didn't really know what to expect coming to the carnivore retreat but I came away with a full belly and a mind of new knowledge and ideas. After following Mike on Instagram for a while and taking part in his burpee challenge, I wanted to give it a try for myself.

The hunters Lodge is a brilliant setting for the retreat, it gives you the time to get away from what we know as "normal life" and focus more time on something important and often neglected, ourselves.

Mike's food was amazing, I enjoyed every meal bar one which was just a little too rich for me with the sauce but the meat is better than anything I have had and now I am in great talks with my local butcher about my experience and what tips he can give me, as well as learning to make new keto deserts!

I wasn't sure the retreat would challenge me but it did in many ways from some of the exercises with slow movements and definitely with the breath work because that was something I had hardly touched on before.

The company was great and I learnt alot from everyone there, conversations around the fire gave us much to discuss, I like to draw experience from others, and what a great bunch of people to learn from along side Mike.

Overall Mike hosted something I would class as unique, the retreat isn't about a regimented time scale and training regime but more about learning to implement little things in to your everyday life to enrich your health and well being.

It's safe to say Mike lives and breathes the lifestyle and its great to see that in person. I'm a firm believer in "practice what you preach", Mike does just that.

This could be a life changing event, it gives you some very handy tools to potentially change your future for the better.

Give it try and have a look for yourself.

Sean's Review (2022)

This was my first carnivore retreat and I have to say, I now understand why it's a very special process we are taken through with this master of his craft.

Everything from the great location to the wonderful Mullardoch House makes it the complete retreat for a powerful transformation.

Michael walks the Walk and talks the talk, his no bullshit approach to this entire event along with his meticulous planning makes for an amazing time of self development both physically, mentally and even spiritually it's lifting. He is humble and powerful.

I'm delighted to have found him as a coach. 

Amir's review 2022

Before going on Michael’s retreat, because of my hectic life (balancing family and work), I was neglecting myself. Not being consistent with my breathing, training and nutrition.

During that week away, I learned so much from Michael. The reason he’s so knowledgable is because he’s the real deal. He lives what he teaches.

The house we stayed in was beautiful. The food was some of the best I’ve had and the work we did around training and breathing was literally life changing.

That sounds dramatic but there are so many small habits that I can easily work into my daily life, that all compound into more energy, clearer mind and a stronger body.

If you ever get the chance to go on this retreat, take my advice and GO!

Andres Review 2022

“I went to the Mason survival protocol retreat , to mainly learn about the breathing & strength training exercises.

But it was so much more than this!

This retreat gave me the opportunity to have a digital detox, surrounded by a jaw dropping landscape, blissful silence

& a beautiful loch.

I learnt simple, but extremely effective strength exercises that I can realistically do on daily basis. The breathing techniques were a revelation! I felt focused and ready to take on the world!

Mike is a fantastic carnivore chef! We ate incredible steaks with fried eggs, he made his own cured wild salmon, cloud bread, the crispiest bacon known to man, a slow cooked pork belly, salt beef, crispy lamb chops, protein packed desserts using xylitol, and cheese selection that I’d be proud to serve at my restaurant! There’s more! But to many to list! It was all delicious.

By the end of the week I felt refreshed & recharged. Mind loaded with new techniques and a body packed with protein!

I would recommend this retreat for anyone wanting to better understanding of the Carnivore world”

Thanks for a cracking week! And absolute pleasure to have met you.

Andres Alemany

Diana's Review

I Originally went on masons carnivore retreat to learn about breathing but I learnt so much more. I came away with a better understanding of how to breath, eat more protein in my diet and move. I felt great at the end of the week mentally and physically. Everything I learnt can be easily adapted into everyday living and my own routine without massive change. The accommodation was amazing, scenery out of this world and I met the most fantastic group of like minded people who I will hopefully see again one day. I can 100 percent recommend this retreat to anyone who is thinking of doing this.

Thanks for a great week, it was brilliant xxx

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